We went to KL on my both sisters Master registration. So, make it short, aku akan begin the story on our journey home....ok,total number of my family is 7,plus Boboy equal to 8. Pi dengan keta for sure la tak cukup, so kami p dengan van bapak aku tu....From KL, on highway towards north....about 2km before reached Tapah....tayar van pancit plak....nasib baik la dah dekat with RNR Tapah...so, we stopped by and change the tyre....bapak and abang aku tolong proseskan... sambil2 tu...isi tank perut sekali la....lebih kurang pas maghrib, we continued our journey. Masa tu dah start ujan and lebat jugak la...Tak sampai pun 1km ahead, enjin van mati la plak.....dah tu tak leh start pulak...Imagine sendiri la...highway gelap,ujan lebat, apa mau buat? So, kami stay dalam van while again, bapak and abang aku dok 'koseh' van bg start...dalam ujan lebat ni...'besa'la kt highway,banyak plak yg nk tolong....bukan PLUS tp besala ulat2 ni...actually bapak aku dah tau apa yg rosak....Root Cause : Fuse Enjin putus-----> fuse tak contact! And then PLUS pn datang but nk tgu dia punya helper,adoi....tak berganjak la....So, dalam ujan2 lebat tu, bapak aku pasang sendiri la fuse tu...but...ni yg lawak ni...kami suma kena turun dari van,tolak van tu sambil bapak aku start enjin, then kami kena lari2 naik van tu one by one! Adoii....Tu la LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE nya!!!!
Well,the story not ends here....the journey still headed to go. Still on our journey headed North, kat JURU plak....Wiper van tak nak function pulak! Dah la time tu ujan lebat! So, kena stop by lagi kat tepi jalan....And again....abang and bapak aku amik fuse(sib baik ada spare dalam van), replace the burn fuse and the lucky wiper function! At last.... we continue our journey til home.....4.00 a.m....
And for the next day...aku tak p keja....hahahahaah...KANTOI!!!!!