Date: 2nd August 2003
Day : Saturday
Weather : Sunny and Windy
Venue: 'Ferringhi Rock'
Time: 9am to a day
Attendees : Datin, Giant, Sema, Fizah, Che' Ros
Agenda: Lepaking and B-B-Q
The Menus:
1 whole chicken - merinade by Chef Wati(Giant's sis)
Prawns - 2 kilos
Drinks, Ice cube
Misc Junk food
The Flow Chart:
Datin went to market ---> Stop by hostel, picked up 'dara-dara pingitan' ---> Reached Giant's house --->Started journey to 'Feringghi Rock' ---> Lepaking and so whatever ---> Feel nice to send Sema home in Balik Pulau...
At the end of the day:
Everyone tired, yet no regret since the gathering is priceless!