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sehati berdansa
Ni program reality tv yg terbaru la kt astro ria...aku ikot jugak la sebab syok dok tgk org2 yg tak pandai menari ni nk menari!Hehehe...program ni for charity,so sambil vote sambil undi la...hmm...camtula nk bt duit,wahal bukan sungguh2 nk derma pun,harap nk undi favourite artis ja!Program ni about husband and wife will dancing for charity.Ni final week and ada 2 couples yg layak iaitu Vee & Shidi dan Anne & Wafi. And for this week, the results will based on 100% viewers' vote,the judges just comment on their performances. They will be performed 2 kind of dances which is samba and joget. Vee and Shidi look nice and sweet in their own way however, for Anne and Wafi,they just too bright ( i mean the wardrobe not the performance).Well, i dont mind what's with them since this is for charity. Vee & Shidi will represent cancer organization meanwhile Anne & Wafi represent the KIWANIS Syndrom Down. The charity organization will receive donation of RM15,000 for grand prize and RM10,000 for the 2nd place. And for this 1st season, the winners are Vee & Shidi. They received a mini cooper car and a honeymoon package to Paris. Actually,i'm happy when they announced Vee & Shidi as the winner because they deserve it. They have gave their full commitment into this program and they dance well too!Neway, Anne & Wafi also have give their full effort though only luck is not with them. Congratulations guys!Good work for charity!
wadiya mean by 'good work for charity'? come on, wake up!!! Ask urself 1st, wat is charity in Islam? My god!
dah agak dah....mesti bdk ni condamn nya....
u've been blinded by too many reality tv shows & entertaiment stuffs...the input source is limited there, u got to add another slot in ur system so tht u can cover other global issue such as politics, sports, humanity, it, people...hehehhh...neway, slmt menyambut awal muharam...
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