Sunday, September 6, 2009

Hari Raya Cookies!!!

More less than only two weeks before HARI RAYA!!! I've completed all the preparation for Raya which includes the Raya cookies....For this year, we have prepared 9 types of cookies....It's quite a big number but they all ordinary cookies that we always made for Raya season....

1. Peanut Butter Creamy
2. Cornflakes Yummy Bites
3. Monster's Cookies
4. Butter Love Cookies
5. Ori-Rich Carca Marba
6. Tasty Milo Crunch
7. Coconut Crunch Cookies
8. Marvellous Choco Chips
9. Shimmering Samperit

That's only the fancy names of them, if you are willing to taste them,you are most welcome to stop by at my house on this coming HARI RAYA!!!!!


Pijadoscence, said...

tu diaaa...manyaknyerrrr...nanti post kat umah aku ciket naaa...:) pulak tu, nama2 bisikut hg punyalah pjg, susah nk sebut...dh tu bju raya smpai 8 lai, hmmmmm..raya sungguh! bdk2 kecik pun 3,4 lai...dasat hg

aracom3i said...

yaayyy..kak ina..klau xdak papa ara p umah k..klau x pon,kak ina tapao bizkot raya kak ina k..hehe..ara blk 18hb mlm..

giant said...

besala...setahun hanya sekali...merayakan hari yg mulia ini...lalalalalaa...heheheehh...

giant said...

orait...ara, no hal....mai la umah..u r most welcome!!!!!