Friday, May 30, 2008

Farewell A.R.A. !

Opportunity comes once, not twice...u better take it or u will regret it...Well, ara just received one this week and it's will be wasted if ara didn't grabbeb the opportunity...

So, as ara will leaving us and also this company and moved to better place. Soon Chaw has planned some 'makan-makan' for her and we all are invited! Of course we spend some collection for ara in organize it. Well, that is not an issue compare the bonding among us! Below are some pictures of us having 'makan-makan' at nearby Jerejak jetty(sorry, don't remember the name of it).

Thursday, May 22, 2008

And the winner is....COOK!

Wow....finally, the title is belong to David COOK! It's really out of my expectation. I didn't thought so that he will win. Since nite before, the success performances are pointing to Archuletta....and Cook performances are just having fun...

By winning this Idol, Cook is the first Idol that carried out rock genre. It's cool...Last time, the nearly Idol to be was a rocker Bo Bice and he was cutted by country Carrie Underwood.
I really enjoyed watching the 2 hour show finale tonite. The great performances by One Republic,Jordin Sparks,The Jonas Brothes and etc,etc,etc... The 12 finalist harmonaly sang all time track from all time singer "Donna Summer", "George Michael" and "Bryan Adams" before these three icon starts to sang their own single.
By winning 56% of votes, David Cook is officially your current American Idol...Well done Cook! As for Archuletta,he still best in his performances even though did not earn the title...As Simon said don't care who's the winner as both of them have win the title...

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Caca & Iqah

A picture worth thousand words....If you see below, just imagine the total of word counts....

Battle of the DAVIDs!

Finally, the final two has landed! It's battle between the two is high school teenager who's really looking for a prom date (i'll bet every girl is dying to be his) and the other David is really knows what he's COOKing on stage! Well, if you are fans of American Idol's, I guess you already know which Davids will be titled as the WINNER.

My bet goes to Cook since I first saw him on the audition. He was singing Bon Jovi track "Livin on A Prayer' and it was so well done. As for Archuletta...yes...he's nice, sweet voice, adorable yet he will be the craziness for the high school chicks...

Cook has its own originality in performing his songs. That is what I believe before my sister start to rumour about him as she read the article from "Confession of a TV Addict"! The rumour quote as the Cook originality is fake! Well..I believe what I witness and don't care 'bout the rest. Don't matter who will win as long as these two DAVIDs know how to rock the stage. For DAVIDs, break a leg!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Bedsheet Mania!

Day 1 = 5 sets
Day 2 = 4 sets
Total = RM XXXXX
Moments with your loved one = Priceless!