Friday, August 7, 2009

Countdown to Shut Down

It's about more less than two weeks for everything to be settled down. Everyone busy packaging, items count to be returned, disposal of documentation, etc...I have cleared up my desk, just my notebook that need to be returned. However, I still have couple or three dinner to attend. One of them is annual dinner and the rest of them are farewell dinner. Hope that we will have fun there...Not much left to be done besides than lots of chatting, so I brought some bored-killer to my workplace since the foreign worker really put too much attention to it ~~Origami Manual~~
Despite of this, I guess I can bring up my sudoku,crossword puzzles and my Rubik cube! I wonder who wants to play them with me if compares to chatting...Hmmmmm....


aracom3i said...

uix..kakina nk benti keja ka??

giant said...

bukan benti la ara...the company is closing down.....jd penganggur terhormat la pas ni....

Pijadoscence, said...

get married laa pas ni huhueee :)

aracom3i said...

pastu kakina carik keja lain ka??

giant said...

hmmm...nmpk gaya kena cari keja lain la...dah try apply macam2,just hope i'll get some reply soon on this...but i have three coming interviews thru my company la next week...this is HR initiative to help the workers....

giant said...

get married....tingin sgt la ambo x dok calon weh....!