Friday, August 1, 2008

BBQ Dinner!

It's only three weeks i have been working in this new place and yet i got this chance to attend the BBQ dinner. My bos organized it since the company reached its target,so all the employees get the treat. Thank you Bos! The dinner took place at G-Hotel. The dinner starts at 6pm until 10pm. I finished work at 5.40pm, while get ready and so on, I left workplace 5min before 6pm. It's Friday and for damn sure the traffic is jammed! I have to use alternate way to reach there early and I did...I reached the hotel at 6.35pm. As arrived, went straight to the food bank and took what they served for first round, BBQ - grilled lobster,prawn,squid,salmon,corn,etc...for second round, desserts - misc of cakes and ice cream for third round...I didnt repeat those rounds (even the food was delicious) since i'm totally, I left the seat and went to Gurney Plaza - to buy couples of wrapper for my mum's present (today is her birthday) and left about 8.45pm.....No pictures were taken since most of the staff didnt bring the camera. Even though they have,i don't want my pic to be taken...of course after you have been working for whole day and went straight to dinner...i bet your pic look like hell....

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